
April 14, 2011


There are more than 400 colleges and another 300 high schools, in the United States and Canada, that play competitive Quidditch, as of today.

Don't know what Quidditch is? That's sad, but you can always read our description below:
Quidditch is a sport from the Harry Potter books (yeah, that's right, it's fictional, or should be anyway), invented by author J. K. Rowling. It is played high up in the air on brooms. There are seven players on each of the two teams - three of them are Chasers (they try to score points by throwing a Quaffle - one of the three different balls used in the game - into one of three raised hoops – each score is worth 10 points), of course, there's the Keeper (who blocks the Quaffle from getting through the hoops), two are Beaters (these players hit Bludgers – another kind of the balls used in the game – there are two of these - with their bats to knock other opposing players from their brooms), and finally, the Seeker (who catches the Snitch - the third ball, and the smallest - catching it is worth 150 points, and once caught, the game ends).

[Image: Harry Potter Wikia]

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