
June 12, 2011

Vampire Stars in the Milky Way's bulge

These vampire stars drain life away from other stars and were found for the first time in the heart of our Milky Way galaxy.

Called blue stragglers, they appear to lag in age next to other stars with which they formed, appearing younger by looking bluer and hotter. Some astronomers think that the blue stragglers look so youthful because they steal hydrogen fuel from other stars, for all one knows, after colliding into their victims, which happens in other parts of the universe.

A team of astronomers looked at 180,000 stars in and near the bulge, using the Hubble, and found 42 unusual blue stars, who were much, much, much younger than the surrounding stars. The researchers estimated that onlu 18 to 37 of these stars are actual blue stragglers that are likely to be about 10 billion to 11 billion years old.

Blue Straggler Formation.
(artist's concept. Source: NASA)

[Source: NatGeo News]

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